Where We Focus
On Post-Merger Integration and Culture Change
Culture is implicit. People who share in a culture find their culture challenging to recognize. The most insightful cultural observers often are outsiders, because cultural givens are not implicit to them.
Culture influences how people behave and how people understand their own actions. As a result, culturally influenced beliefs and actions feel right to people, even while their implicit underpinnings make it difficult for those people to understand why they act the way they do, or why other ways of acting might also be appropriate. We understand and are practiced masters with these truth elements of driving culture change:
- Nothing happens without a true readiness to change
- Replace old habits with new ones for impact
- Peer support and positive pressure drive change
- Executive sponsorship deepens commitment and drives results
- Partner change advocates as coaches with change naysayers
- Formative evaluation through the change is essential
- Acknowledge small wins to keep momentum going
- Focus on progress as the goal, not perfection
Our focus on business value, rather than on the "soft stuff" is essential to positioning culture in a way that business leaders will agree to support it. By tying culture change to value-creation, and by identifying and changing specific behaviors when necessary, culture can become an effective tool for achieving cultural integration objectives.
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