Who We Are

Forward Thinking Culture Change Experts

Prescient Strategists is a Boston based, international management consulting firm with an intense focus on client success in the areas of cultural integration and organizational change management.

Our standard client engagement provides culture integration and change management through a coordinated process to support client organizational structure that often includes:

  • Developing a human capital strategy aligned to the organizational strategy
  • Implementing strategic workforce planning to drive 5R talent management
  • Employing targeted executive coaching to drive cultural integration
  • Assessing organization effectiveness (current state and future state gap analysis)
  • Measuring key employee engagement, collaboration, and retention

Our proprietary APEX™ Culture Change Model (CCM) is a built to ensure that any human capital initiative works out in our clients’ favor in achieving their business strategy.

Declarative Statement: Prescient Strategists, LLC. does not sell or provide any legal, or financial advice of any kind as we are NOT attorneys, investment bankers, licensed brokers, or licensed dealers.