About Prescient Strategists

Our Clients’ Burning Platform

Large-scale change can happen more leisurely in good times, with every aspect of the operation carefully scrutinized. Today, organizations are often forced to restructure and integrate operations fast, whether a significant financial services organization is merged or a hi-tech start-up is acquired. In the public sector, there are often intense political pressures to show efficiencies from the merger/reorganization while at the same time improving the customer experience and lifting staff morale.  

We work with executive teams so they are crystal clear on the business impact of the desired culture and what they need to change in their own behavior and team culture. This can include working with executive leaders from six weeks to six months to ensure they can visibly and effectively lead and engage all stakeholder groups.

At Prescient Strategists, we believe successful change is due to how significant change's cultural and human sides are addressed. So, even amid economic turmoil, organizations can focus on the human and cultural elements during post-merger activity. 

Our extensive experience and research show that the culture and human side are fundamental to the success of large-scale change. It needs to be an integral part of the post-merger plan and is essential to preventing derailment. However, this is not just about minimizing risk; it is about creating the conditions for achieving the strategic goals of a large-scale organizational change.

Declarative Statement: Prescient Strategists, LLC. does not sell or provide legal or financial advice. We are NOT attorneys, investment bankers, licensed brokers, or licensed dealers.